Private: News - Archive for the ‘Product News’ Category

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HR Launches New Line of Ostomy Products – Vitus Ostomy Care

HR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. recently announced the launch of a new product line – Vitus Ostomy Care. The complete ostomy accessories line is designed to further protect the stoma and skin while ensuring a tight seal. With the continued reduction in reimbursement for ostomy supplies, Vitus Ostomy Care aims to provide superior quality ostomy care products…

NOTICE – EcoVue® Ultrasound Gel Unaffected by FDA Recall

Recalled Product Eco-Gel 200 Ultrasound Gel Manufactured by Eco-Med Pharmaceutical, Inc., Has No Connection to HR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The recent recall of ultrasound gel manufactured in Canada by Eco-Med Pharmaceutical, Inc., is NOT related to EcoVue Ultrasound Gel or any other product of HR Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Your organization may have been informed about a recall…