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HR Takes on the Ultimate Team-Building Activity: Escape Games Live

To strengthen our communication skills under pressure, HR Pharmaceuticals headed over to Escape Games Live in downtown York for the ultimate team-building exercise!

Escape Rooms are real-time adventure games that require teamwork, speed, creativity, and patience to uncover hidden clues, crack tough codes, and solve challenging puzzles to “escape” within 60 minutes and “beat” the room. 

We split into teams to take on two of Escape Games’ most popular rooms: The Jungle and Escape the Decade, 1980’s.

With less than an 80% success rate, these rooms were full of challenges that tested the teams’ communication and problem-solving abilities. 

After both teams played, the winners were revealed, with team Jungle escaping in 46 minutes, while team Escape the ’80s was able to beat the room with just under a minute to spare! 

Escape Games Live: Team Jungle
Team Jungle
Escape Games Live: Team Escape the 80s
Team Escape the '80s